PGQL is an SQL-like query language for the Property Graph data model. The language is based on the paradigm of graph pattern matching, which allows you to specify patterns that are matched against vertices and edges in a data graph. Like SQL, PGQL has support for grouping (GROUP BY), aggregation (e.g. MIN, MAX, AVG), sorting (ORDER BY) and many other familiar SQL constructs. In addition, PGQL supports regular path queries for applications such as reachability analysis.


PGQL (Property Graph Query Language) is a query language for the Property Graph (PG) data model. This specification defines the syntax and semantics of PGQL.

Essentially, PGQL is a graph pattern-matching query language. A PGQL query describes a graph pattern with vertices, edges, properties, and their relationships, When the query is evaluated against a Property Graph instance, the query engine finds all subgraph instances of the graph that match to the specified query pattern. Then the query engine returns the selected data entities from each of the matched subgraph instance.

Consider the following example PGQL query:

WHERE (n:Person WITH name = 'John') -[e1:friendOf]-> (m:Person) <-[e2:belongs_to]- (o:Car)

In the WHERE clause, the above query defines the pattern to be found.

  • The pattern is composed of three vertices (n, m, and o) and two edges (e1 and e2).
  • There is an edge (e1) from vertex n to vertex m.
  • There is an edge (e2) from vertex o to vertex m.
  • Vertices n and m have a label with value 'Person', while vertex o has a label with value 'Car'.
  • Vertex n has a property name with value 'John'.
  • Edges e1 and e2 have labels with values 'friendOf' and 'belongs_to' respectively.

In the SELECT clause, the above query defines the data entities to be returned.

  • For each of the matched subgraph, the query returns the property name of vertex m and the property name of vertex o.

Basic Query Structure

The syntax structure of PGQL resembles that of SQL (Standard Query Language) of relational database systems. A basic PGQL query consists of the following three clauses:

Query :=
  • The SelectClause defines the data entities that are returned in the result.
  • The WhereClause defines the graph pattern that is matched against the data graph instance.
  • The SolutionModifierClause defines additional operations for building up the result of the query. The clause is optional.

The detailed syntax and semantic of each clause are explained in following sections.

WHERE Clause

In a PGQL query, the WHERE clause defines the graph pattern to be matched.

Syntactically, a WHERE clause is composed of the keyword WHERE followed by a comma-separated sequence of constraints.

WhereClause         := 'WHERE' {Constraint ','}+
Constraint          := TopologyConstraint |
TopologyConstraint  := PathPattern
PathPattern         := QueryVertex (QueryConnection QueryVertex)*
QueryVertex         := '(' VariableName? LabelConstraint? InlinedConstraints? ')'
QueryConnection     := QueryEdge |
                       QueryPath // see Section 'Path Queries'
QueryEdge           := '->' | '<-' | '-->' | '<--' |
                       '-[' VariableName? LabelConstraint? InlinedConstraints? ']->' |
                       '<-[' VariableName? LabelConstraint? InlinedConstraints? ']-'
LabelConstraint     := ':' {Label '|'}+
InlinedConstraints  := 'WITH' {InlinedConstraint ','}+
ValueConstraint     := Expression // see Section Expressions
InlinedConstraint   := Expression // see Section Expressions

Each constraint is one of the following types:

  • A topology constraint describes a partial topology of the subgraph pattern, i.e. vertices and edges in the pattern.
  • A value constraint describes a general constraint other than the topology; the constraint takes the form of a Boolean expression which typically involves property values of the vertices and edges.
  • An in-lined constraint is a syntactic sugar where value constraints are written inside vertex terms or edge terms of a topology constraint.

There can be multiple constraints in the WHERE clause of a PGQL query. Semantically, all constraints are conjunctive – that is, each matched result should satisfy every constraint in the WHERE clause.

Topology Constraint

A topology constraint is a path pattern that describes a partial topology of the subgraph pattern. In other words, a topology constraint describes some connectivity relationships between vertices and edges in the pattern, whereas the whole topology of the pattern is described with one or multiple topology constraints.

A topology constraint is composed of one or more vertices and connections, where a connection is either an edge or a path. In a query, each vertex or edge is (optionally) associated with a variable, which is a symbolic name to refer the vertex or edge in the pattern. For example, consider the following topology constraint:


The above example defines two vertices (with variable names n and m), and an edge (with variable name e) between them. Also the edge is directed such that the edge e is an outgoing edge from vertex n.

More specifically, a vertex term is written as a variable name inside a pair of parenthesis (). An edge term is written as a variable name inside a square bracket [] with two dashes and an inequality symbol attached to it – which makes it look like an arrow drawn in ASCII art. An edge term is always connected with two vertex terms as for the source and destination vertex of the edge; the source vertex is located at the tail of the ASCII arrow and the destination at the head of the ASCII arrow.

Repeated Variables in Multiple Topology Constraints

There can be multiple topology constraints in the WHERE clause of a PGQL query. In such a case, vertex terms that have the same variable name correspond to the same vertex entity. For example, consider the following two lines of topology constraints:


Here, the vertex term (n) in the first constraint indeed refers to the same vertex as the vertex term (n) in the second constraint. It is an error, however, if two edge terms have the same variable name, or, if the same variable name is assigned to an edge term as well as to a vertex term in a single query.

Syntactic Sugars for Topology Constraints

For user’s convenience, PGQL provides several syntactic sugars (short-cuts) for topology constraints.

First, a single topology constraint can be written as a chain of edge terms such that two consecutive edge terms share the common vertex term in between. For instance, the following topology constraint is valid in PGQL:


In fact, the above constraint is equivalent to the following set of comma-separated constraints:


Second, PGQL syntax allows to reverse the direction of an edge in the query, i.e. right-to-left instead of left-to-right. Therefore, the following is a valid topology constraint in PGQL:


Please mind the edge directions in the above query – vertex n2 is a common outgoing neighbor of both vertex n1 and vertex n3.

Third, PGQL allows to omit not-interesting variable names in the query. A variable name is not interesting if that name would not appear in any other constraint, nor in other clauses (SelectClause, SolutionModifierClause). As for a vertex term, only the variable name is omitted, resulting in an empty parenthesis pair. In case of an edge term, the whole square bracket is omitted in addition to the variable name. In this case, the remaining ASCII arrow can have either one dash or two dashes.

The following table summarizes these short cuts.

Syntax form Example
Basic form (n)-[e]->(m)
Omit variable name of the source vertex ()-[e]->(m)
Omit variable name of the destination vertex (n)-[e]->()
Omit variable names in both vertices ()-[e]->()
Omit variable name in edge (n)-->(m)
Omit variable name in edge (alternative, one dash) (n)->(m)

Disconnected Topology Constraints

In the case the topology constraints form multiple groups of vertices and edges that are not connected to each other, the semantic is that the different groups are matched independently and that the final result is produced by taking the Cartesian product of the result sets of the different groups. The following is an example of a query that will result in a Cartesian product.

  (n1) -> (m1),
  (n2) -> (m2) // vertices {n2, m2} are not connected to vertices {n1, m1}, resulting in a Cartesian product

Label Matching

In the Property Graph model, vertices have a set of labels, while edges have a single label. PGQL provides a convenient syntax for matching labels by attaching the label to the corresponding vertex or edge using a colon (:) followed by the label. Take the following example:

WHERE (x:Person) -[e:likes]-> (y:Person)

Here, we specify that vertices x and y have the label 'Person' and that the edge e has the label 'likes'.

Labels can still be specified when variables are omitted. The following is an example:

WHERE (:Person) -[:likes]-> (:Person)

Labels and Quotes

Note that even though labels are Strings, we have omitted the quotes in the example above. Omitting quotes is optional only if the label is an alphanumeric character followed by zero or more alphanumeric or underscore characters. Otherwise, the label needs to be quoted and Syntax for Strings needs to be followed. This is explained by the following grammar constructs:

Label          := String | UnquotedString
UnquotedString := [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*

Take the following example:

WHERE (x:Person) -[e:'has friend']-> (y:Person)

Here, because the label 'has friend' contains a white space, the quotes cannot be omitted and syntax for quoted Strings need to be followed.

Label Alternatives

One can specify label alternatives, such that the pattern matches if the vertex or edge has one of the specified labels. Syntax-wise, label alternatives are separated by a | character, as follows:

WHERE (x:Student|Professor) -[e:likes|knows]-> (y:Student|Professor)

Here, vertices x and y match if they have either or both of labels 'Student' and 'Professor'. Edge e matches if it has either label 'likes' or label 'knows'.

Built-in Functions for Labels

There are also built-in functions available for labels:

  • hasLabel(String label) which returns true if the vertex or edge has the specified label.
  • labels() which returns the set of labels of a vertex.
  • label() which returns the label of an edge.

Value Constraint

The value constraint describes a general constraint other than the topology. A value constraint takes the form of a Boolean expression which typically involves certain property values of the vertices and edges that are defined in topology constraints in the same query. For instance, the following example consists of three constraints – one topology constraint followed by two value constraints.

(x) -> (y), = 'John',
y.age > 25

In the above example, the first value constraint demands that the vertex x has a property name and its value to be 'John'. Similarly, the second value constrain demands that the vertex y has a numeric property age and its value to be larger than 25. Here, in the value constraint expressions, the dot (.) operator is used for property access. For the detailed syntax and semantic of expressions, please refer to the corresponding section in this specification.

Note that in PGQL the ordering of constraints does not has any effect on the result. Therefore, the previous example is equivalent to the following: = 'John',
(x) -> (y),
y.age > 25

In-lined Constraint

An in-lined constraint is a syntactic sugar where value constraints are written directly inside a topology constraint. More specifically, expressions that access the property values of a certain vertex (or edge) are put directly inside the parenthesis (or the square bracket) of the corresponding vertex (or edge) term. Consider the following set of constraints.

(n) -[e]-> (), = 'John' OR = 'James',
n.type = 'Person'
e.type = 'workAt',
e.workHours < 40

The above constraints can re-written with in-lined constraint as follows:

(n WITH name = 'John' OR name = 'James', type = 'Person') -[e WITH type = 'workAt', workHours < 40]-> ()

Note that the property-accessing expressions in the original value constraints are in-lined into the topology constraint. More specifically, the expressions are in-lined inside the parenthesis or square bracket after the WITH keyword. Moreover, the syntax for property access gets simplified in the in-lined expressions. See the discussion in the following section.

Simplified Property Access in the In-lined Expressions

Syntax for property access is further simplified in the in-lined expressions. In normal value constraint, a property access takes the form of dot expression (i.e. variable_name.property_name). In an in-lined expression, on the other hand, the variable name can be omitted since it is clear from the context. Moreover, if the property name is properly alpha-numeric, even the leading dot can be omitted. The following table summarizes this short-cut rules.

Normal Value Constraint In-lined Constraint In-lined Constraint (alternative) = 'John' (n WITH .name = 'John') (n WITH name = 'John')
n.'middle name' = 'John' (n WITH .'middle name' = 'John')  

Note that in the above table, we cannot omit the leading dot nor the quotes for property access ‘.middle name’ since the name contains a space and is thus not an alpha-numeric.

Vertices/edges without Variable Name but with In-lined Constraints

If a not-interesting variable name is omitted for a vertex or edge term, it is still possible to specify in-lined constraints without having to introduce a variable name. This can be achieved by omitting the variable name and by directly using the WITH keyword followed by the constraints. The following table summarizes this short-cut rule.

In-lined Constraint In-lined Constraint w/o variable name
(n WITH name = 'John') (WITH name = 'John')

Limitation on the In-lined Expressions

Expressions that contain property accesses from multiple variables (a.k.a. cross-constraints) cannot be in-lined. Consider the following constraint:

(n) -> (m) =

This constraint cannot be inlined. The following is syntatcially not valid:

(n WITH name = -> (m)   // this is NOT valid syntax

Identifier short-cut for in-lined expressions

In property graphs, vertices and edges can have unique identifiers (IDs). PGQL expression provides a special function id() for accessing the indentifier of a vertex or edge. However, there is another short-cut syntax for an in-lined expression, if the vertex (or edge) is constrained to have a specific ID value. Specifically, the variable name followed by @ and a certain value means that the vertex (or edge) should have the ID of the specified value. The following is an example.

Original Syntax Shortcut Syntax
(n WITH id() = 123) (n@123)
(n:Person WITH id() = 123) (n:Person@123)
()-[e WITH id()=1234)->[] () -[e@1234]-> ()

Graph Pattern Matching Semantic

There are two popular graph pattern matching semantics: graph homomorphism and graph isomorphism. The semantic of PGQL is graph homomorphism.

Graph Homomorphism

Under graph homomorphism, multiple vertices (or edges) in the query pattern may match with the same vertex (or edge) in the data graph as long as all topology and value constraints of the different query vertices (or edges) are satisfied by the data vertex (or edge).

Consider the following example graph and query:

Vertex 0
Vertex 1
Edge 0: 0 -> 0
Edge 1: 0 -> 1
WHERE (x) -> (y)

Under graph homomorphism the output of this query is as follows:

x y
0 0
0 1

Note that in case of the first result, both query vertex x and query vertex y are bound to the same data vertex 0.

Graph Isomorphism

Under graph isomorphism, two distinct query vertices must not match with the same data vertex.

Consider the example from above. Under graph isomorphism, only the second solution is a valid one since the first solution binds both query vertices x and y to the same data vertex.

In PGQL, to specify that a pattern should be matched in an isomorphic way, one can introduce non-equality constraints:

WHERE (x) -> (y), x != y

The output of this query is as follows:

x y
0 1


In a PGQL query, the SELECT clause defines the data entities to be returned in the result. In other words, the select clause defines the columns of the result table.

The following explains the syntactic structure of SELECT clause.

SelectClause := 'SELECT' {SelectElem ','}* |
                'SELECT' '*'
SelectElem   := Expression ('AS' Variable)?

A SELECT clause consists of the keyword SELECT followed by a comma-separated sequence of select element, or a special character star *. A select element consists of:

  • An expression.
  • An optional variable definition that is specified by appending the keyword AS and the name of the variable.

SELECT Expressions

A PGQL query can dictate the data entities to be returned in the SELECT clause, by putting a comma-separated list of expressions after the SELECT keyword. Per every matched subgraph (i.e. row), each SELECT expression (i.e. column) is computed and stored in the result set. For instance, consider the following example:

SELECT n, m, n.age
   (n WITH type = 'Person') -[e WITH type='friendOf']-> (m WITH type = 'Person')

Per each matched subgraph, the query returns two vertices n and m and the value for property age of vertex n. Note that edge e is omitted from the result even though it is used for describing the pattern.

Assigning Variable Name to Select Expression

It is possible to assign a variable name to any of the selection expression, by appending the keyword AS and a variable name. The variable name is used as the column name of the result set. In addition, the variable name can be later used in the ORDER BY clause. See the related section later in this document.

SELECT n.age*2 - 1 AS pivot,, n
   (n WITH type = 'Person') -> (m WITH type = 'Car')
ORDER BY pivot


SELECT * is a special SELECT clause. The semantic of SELECT * is to select all the variables or group keys in-scope. If the query has no GROUP BY, the selected variables are all the vertex and edge variables from the WHERE clause. If the query does have a GROUP BY, the selected elements are all the group keys.

Consider the following query:

  (n WITH type = 'Person') -> (m) -> (w)
  (n) -> (w) -> (m)

Since this query does not have a GROUP BY, all the variables in the WHERE are returned: n, m and w. However, the order of variables selected by SELECT * is not defined by the specification. Therefore the result of SELECT * in the above query can be any combination of (n, m, w).

Now consider the following query, which has a GROUP BY:

  (n WITH type = 'Person') -> (m) -> (w)
  (n) -> (w) -> (m)

Because the query has a GROUP BY, all group keys are returned: and m. The order of the variables selected is the order in which the group keys appear in the GROUP BY.

SELECT * with no variables in the WHERE clause

It is semantically valid to have a SELECT * in combination with a WHERE clause that has not a single variable definition. In such a case, the result set will still contain as many results (i.e. rows) as there are matches of the subgraph defined by the WHERE clause. However, each result (i.e. row) will have zero elements (i.e. columns). The following is an example of such a query.

  (WITH type = 'Person') -> () -> ()


Instead of retrieving all the matched results, a PGQL query can choose to get only some aggregated information about the result. This is done by putting aggregations in SELECT clause, instead of normal expressions. Consider the following example query which returns the average value of property age over all the matched vertex m.

SELECT AVG(m.age) WHERE (m WITH type = 'Person')

Syntactically, an aggregation takes the form of Aggregate operator followed by expression inside a parenthesis. The following table is the list of Aggregate operators and their required input type.

Aggregate Operator Semantic Required Input Type
COUNT counts the number of times the given expression has a bound. not null
MIN takes the minimum of the values for the given expression. numeric
MAX takes the maximum of the values for the given expression. numeric
SUM sums over the values for the given expression. numeric
AVG takes the average of the values for the given numeric

COUNT(*) is a special syntax to count the number of pattern matches, without specifying an expressions. Consider the following example:

WHERE (m WITH type='Person') -> (k WITH type = 'Car') <- (n WITH type = 'Person')

The above query simply returns the number of matches to the pattern.

Aggregation and Required Input Type

In PGQL, aggregation is performed only for the matched results where the type of the target expression matches with the required input type. Consider an example graph instance which has the following four vertex entities.

{"id": 3048,  "name":"John",  "age":30}
{"id": 1197,  "name":"Peter", "age":20}
{"id": 20487, "name":"Paul",  "age":"thirty five"}
{"id": 2019,  "name":"James"}

Now suppose the following query is applied on this data set.


Note that all the vertices are matched by the WHERE clause. However, the aggregation result from SELECT clause is 25 and 4. For AVG(n.age) aggregation, only two vertices get aggregated ("John" and "Peter") – the vertex for "Paul" is not applied because 'age' is not numeric type, and the vertex for "James" does not have 'age' property at all. For COUNT(*) aggregation, on the other hand, all the four matched vertices are applied to the aggregation.

Aggregation and Solution Modifier

Aggregation is applied only afterthe GROUP BY operator is applied, but before the OFFSET and LIMIT operators are applied.

  • If there is no GROUP BY operator, the aggregation is performed over the whole match results.
  • If there is a GROUP BY operator, the aggregation is applied over each group.

See the detailed syntax and semantics of SolutionModifierClause in the related section of this specification.

Assigning Variable Name to Aggregation

Like normal selection expression, it is also possible to assign variable name to aggregations. Again this is done by appending the key word AS and a variable name next to the aggregation. The variable name is used as the column name of the result set. In addition, the variable name can be later used in the ORDER BY clause. See the related section later in this document.

SELECT AVG(n.age) AS pivot, COUNT(n)
   (n WITH type = 'Person') -> (m WITH type = 'Car')
GROUP BY n.hometown
ORDER BY pivot

Path Queries

Path queries test for the existence of arbitrary-length paths between pairs of vertices, or, retrieve actual paths between pairs of vertices. PGQL 1.0 supports testing for path existence (“reachability testing”) only, while retrieval of actual paths between reachable pairs of vertices is planned for future PGQL versions.

Regular Path Patterns

In addition to query vertices and query edge, a graph pattern in PGQL may be composed of query paths. Such paths define a regular path pattern between a pair of query vertices. During querying, bindings for query vertices are only obtained for those vertices in the graph that are reachable by at least one path that satisfies the regular path pattern. The syntactic structure of a query path is similar to a query edge, but it uses forward slashes (-/…/->) instead of square brackets (-[…]->) to clearly distinguishes the two types of connection. Inside the forward slashes, there must be a colon (‘:’) followed by a regular path pattern.

QueryPath          := '-/' ':' RegularPathPattern '/->' |
                      '<-/' ':' RegularPathPattern '/-'
RegularPathPattern := PathPatternName |
                      Label |
                      ZeroOrMorePath |
ZeroOrMorePath     := RegularPathPattern '*'
AlternativePath    := {RegularPathPattern '|'}+

A regular path pattern is one of the following:

  • PathPatternName: matches a path using a path pattern that is declared at the beginning of the query
  • Label: matches a path of length one such that the edge on the path has the specified label
  • ZeroOrMorePath: matches a path by repeatedly matching the pattern zero or more times
  • AlternativePath: matches an alternative pattern (all possibilities are tried)

An example is as follows:

  (c:Class) -/:subclass_of*/-> (:Class WITH name = 'ArrayList')

Here, we find all classes that are a subclass of 'ArrayList'. The regular path pattern subclass_of* matches a path consisting of zero or more edges with the label subclass_of. Because the pattern may match a path with zero edges, the two query vertices can be bound to the same data vertex if the data vertex satisfies the constraints specified in both source and destination vertices (i.e. the vertex has a label 'Class' and a property name with a value 'ArrayList'.

Path Pattern Composition

Path patterns may be declared outside of the WHERE clause at the beginning of the query. Such patterns can then be used to construct more complex regular path patterns via path pattern composition.

The syntactic structure is as follows:

PathPatternDecl := 'PATH' PathPatternName ':=' PathPattern
PathPatternName := [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*

A path pattern declaration starts with the keyword PATH and is followed by the name for the path pattern, the assignment operator := and a path pattern. The syntactic structure of the path pattern is the same as a path pattern in the WHERE clause.

An example is as follows:

PATH has_parent := () -[:has_father|has_mother]-> ()
SELECT ancestor
  (:Person WITH name = 'Mario') -/:has_parent*/-> (ancestor:Person),
  (:Person WITH name = 'Luigi') -/:has_parent*/-> (ancestor:Person)

The above query finds common ancestors of 'Mario' and 'Luigi'.

Another example is as follows:

PATH connects_to := (:Generator) -[:has_connector]-> (:Connector WITH status = 'OPERATIVE') <-[:has_connector]- (:Generator)
SELECT generatorA.location, generatorB.location
  (generatorA) -/:connects_to*/-> (generatorB),
  generatorA != generatorB

The above query outputs all generators that are connected to each other via one or more connectors that are all operative.

Solution Modifier Clause

The solution modifier clause defines additional operations for building up the result of the query. A solution modifier clause consists of three (sub-)clauses– GroupByClause, OrderByClause and LimitOffsetClauses. Note that all these clauses are optional; therefore the entire solution modifier clause is optional.

SolutionModifierClause := GroupByClause? OrderByClause? LimitOffsetClauses?


When there are multiple matched subgraph instances to a given query, in general, the ordering between those instances are not defined; the query execution engine can present the result in any order. Still, the user can specify the ordering between the answers in the result using ORDER BY clause.

The following explains the syntactic structure of ORDER BY clause.

OrderByClause := 'ORDER' 'BY' {OrderTerm ','}+
OrderTerm     := Expression ('ASC'|'DESC')? |
                 ('ASC'|'DESC')? '(' Expression ')'

The ORDER BY clause starts with the keywords ORDER BY and is followed by comma separated list of order terms. An order term consists of the following parts:

  • An expression.
  • An optional ASC or DESC decoration to specify that ordering should be ascending or descending.
    • If no keyword is given, the default is ascending order.

The following is an example in which the results are ordered by property access n.age in ascending order:

WHERE (n WITH type = 'Person')

Multiple Terms in ORDER BY

It is possible that ORDER BY clause consists of multiple terms. In such a case, these terms are evaluated from left to right. That is, (n+1)th ordering term is used only for the tie-break rule for n-th ordering term. Note that each term can have different ascending or descending decorator.

WHERE (f WITH type = 'Person')
ORDER BY ASC(f.age), f.salary DESC

Data Types for ORDER BY

A partial ordering is defined for the different data types as follows:

  • Numeric data values are ordered from small to large.
  • Strings are ordered lexicographically.
  • Vertices and edges are ordered by their identifier (small to larger if numeric, lexicographically if String)

In the case a property access holds multiple types of data values, the following ordering is applied between values of different types:

  • Numeric < String < Boolean ‘false’ < Boolean ‘true’ < ‘null’

Consider the following data values:

['Mary', 25, null, true, false, 'John', 3.5, 27.5]

Applying the above rules to the values, will result in the following ordering:

[3.5, 25, 27.5, 'John', 'Mary', false, true, null]


The LIMIT puts an upper bound on the number of solutions returned, whereas the OFFSET specifies the start of the first solution that should be returned.

The following explains the syntactic structure for the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses:

LimitOffsetClauses := 'LIMIT' Integer ('OFFSET' Integer)? |
                      'OFFSET' Integer ('LIMIT' Integer)?

The LIMIT clause starts with the keyword LIMIT and is followed by an integer that defines the limit. Similarly, the OFFSET clause starts with the keyword OFFSET and is followed by an integer that defines the offset. Furthermore: The LIMIT and OFFSET clauses can be defined in either order. The limit and offset may not be negatives. The following semantics hold for the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses: The OFFSET clause is always applied first, even if the LIMIT clause is placed before the OFFSET clause inside the query. An OFFSET of zero has no effect and gives the same result as if the OFFSET clause was omitted. If the number of actual solutions after OFFSET is applied is greater than the limit, then at most the limit number of solutions will be returned.

In the following query, the first 5 intermediate solutions are pruned from the result (i.e. OFFSET 5). The next 10 intermediate solutions are returned and become final solutions of the query (i.e. LIMIT 10).


Grouping and Aggregation

GROUP BY allows for grouping of solutions and is typically used in combination with aggregation to aggregate over groups of solutions instead of over the total set of solutions.

The following explains the syntactic structure of the GROUP BY clause:

GroupByClause := 'GROUP' 'BY' {GroupTerm ','}+
GroupTerm     := Expression ('AS' Variable)?

The GROUP BY clause starts with the keywords GROUP BY and is followed by a comma-separated list of group terms. Each group term consists of:

  • An expression.
  • An optional variable definition that is specified by appending the keyword AS and the name of the variable.

Consider the following query:

SELECT n.firstName, COUNT(*), AVG(n.age)
WHERE (n WITH type = 'Person')
GROUP BY n.firstName

Matches are grouped by their values for n.firstName. For each group, the query selects n.firstName (i.e. the group key), the number of solutions in the group (i.e. COUNT(*)), and the average value of the property age for vertex n (i.e. AVG(n.age)).

Assigning Variable Name to Group Expression

It is possible to assign a variable name to any of the group expression, by appending the keyword AS and a variable name. The variable name can be used in the SELECT to select a group key, or in the ORDER BY to order by a group key. See the related section later in this document.

   (n WITH type = 'Person')
GROUP BY n.age AS nAge

Multiple Terms in GROUP BY

It is possible that the GROUP BY clause consists of multiple terms. In such a case, matches are grouped together only if they hold the same result for each of the group expressions.

Consider the following query:

SELECT n.firstName, n.lastName, COUNT(*)
WHERE (n WITH type = 'Person')
GROUP BY n.firstName, n.lastName

Matches will be grouped together only if they hold the same values for n.firstName and the same values for n.lastName.

GROUP BY and NULL values

The group for which all the group by expressions evaluate to null is ignored and does not take part in further query processing. However, a group for which some expressions evaluate to null but at least one expression evaluates to a non-null value, is not ignored and takes part in further query processing.

Repetition of Group Expression in Select or Order Expression

Group expressions that are variable accesses, property accesses, or built-in function calls may be repeated in select or order expressions. This is a short-cut that allows you to neglect introducing new variables for simple expressions.

Consider the following query:

SELECT n.age, COUNT(*)
GROUP BY n.age
ORDER BY n.age

Here, the group expression n.age is repeated as select and order expressions.

This repetition of group expressions introduces an exception to the variable visibility rules described above, since variable n is not inside an aggregation in the select/order expression. However, semantically, the query is treated as if there were a variable for the group expression:

GROUP BY n.age AS nAge


Expressions are used in value constraints, in-lined constraints, and select/group/order terms. This section of the document defines the operators and built-in functions that can be used as part of an expression.


The following table is an overview of the operators in PGQL.

Operator type Operator Example
Arithmetic +, -, *, /, % SELECT * WHERE n -> (m WITH start_line_num < end-line-num - 10)
Relational =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, =~ SELECT * WHERE n --> m, n.start_line_num < m.start_line_num
Logical AND, OR, NOT, ! SELECT * WHERE n --> m, n.start_line_num > 500 AND m.start_line_num > 500

Operator Precedence

Operator precedences are shown in the following list, from highest precedence to the lowest. An operator on a higher level (e.g. level 1) is evaluated before an operator on a lower level (e.g. level 2).

Level Operator Precedence
1 - (unary minus), !
2 *, /, %
3 +, -
4 =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, =~
7 OR

Operator and Operand Types

The following table specifies operand types and operator return types.

Operator Type(A) Type(B) Result Type
A + B
A - B
A * B
A / B
A % B
numeric numeric numeric
A = B
A != B
A < B
A > B
A <= B
A >= B
numeric numeric boolean
A = B
A =~ B
String String boolean
A = B boolean boolean boolean
boolean boolean boolean
boolean   boolean

If the value for an operand is of a type that is not defined for the operator, the operation yields null. There is one exception to this rule, which is that the OR operator yields true if either of the operands yield true (see the section on null values and operators).

Data Type Conversion

Numeric values are automatically converted (coerced) when compared against each other. An example is as follows:

3 = 3.0 // this expression yields TRUE

Comparing between Numeric, String, or Boolean values yields null (see the corresponding section for more details on the handling of null values).

Regular Expression String Matching

Regular expressions for String matching is supported using the =~ operator, which returns true if the String on the left-hand side matches the String pattern on the right-hand side.

An example is as follows: =~ 'ar' // this expression yields TRUE if the String contains String 'ar'
'Carl' =~ 'ar' // this expression yields TRUE
'Carl' =~ 'lm' // this expression yields FALSE

The syntax followed for the pattern on the right-hand side, is that of Java REGEX.

Null Values

null is used to represent a missing or undefined value. There are two ways in which a null value can come into existence:

  • A property access (i.e. var_name.prop_name) returns null if the property is missing for a vertex or edge in the data graph.
  • An expression returns null if any operand or function argument is null (with an exception for the OR and AND operators, see below).

Null Values and Operators

An operator returns null if one of its operands yields null, with an exception for the OR operator: if the left-hand side or right-hand side of the OR operations returns true, the operation itself yields true. Otherwise, the operation yields null. The table below summarizes these rules.

Operator Result {A = NULL} Result {B = NULL} Result {A = NULL, B = NULL}
A + - * / % B
A = != < > <= >= B
null null null
A AND B false if B yields false, null otherwise false if A yields false, null otherwise null
A OR B true if B yields true, null otherwise true if A yields true, null otherwise null

Note that from the table it follows that null = null yields null and not true.

Null Values as Function Argument

If any of the arguments of a function is null, the function itself yields null. For example, x.has(null) yields null.

Built-in Functions

Built-in functions can be used in a value constraint or an in-lined constraint, or in a select/group/order expression. The following table lists the built-in functions of PGQL.

Object type Signature Return value Description
vertex/edge id() numeric/string returns the vertex/edge identifier.
vertex/edge has(String prop1, String prop2, ...) boolean returns true if the vertex or edge has the given (comma-separated) properties.
vertex inDegree() decimal returns the number of incoming neighbors.
vertex outDegree() decimal returns the number of outgoing neighbors.
vertex/edge hasLabel(String lbl) boolean returns true if the vertex or edge has the given label.
vertex labels() Set returns the labels of the vertex.
edge label() String returns the label of the edge.

The syntactic structure of a built-in function call is as follows:

FunctionCall := 'id' '(' ')' |
                'has' '(' {String ','}+ ')' |
                'inDegree' '(' ')' |
                'outDegree' '(' ')' |
                'hasLabel' '(' ')' |
                'labels' '(' ')' |
                'label' '(' ')'

A build-in function call is a function name followed by zero or more function arguments. The function arguments are in between rounded brackets. Furthermore, function names are not case-sensitive.

In contrast to SQL, the vertex or edge to which the function applies (i.e. the object), is not passed as one of the function arguments. Instead, the same dot expression syntax that is used for a property access, is also used for a function call: variable_name.function_name(function arguments).

Consider the following query:

  (x) -> (y),
  x.inDegree() > 10

Here, x.inDegree() returns the number of incoming neighbors of x, whereas returns the identifier of the vertex y. Variables x and y are the objects of the two function calls.

Simplified Function Calls in the In-lined Expressions

The same syntactic structure rules that apply to a simplified property access, also apply to a function call in an in-lined expression. That is, the object of the function call can be omitted since it is clear from the context. Moreover, the leading dot can be omitted too. The following table summarizes these short-cut rules.

Normal Function Call In-lined Function Call In-lined Function Call (alternative)
n.outDegree() > 10 (n WITH .outDegree() > 10) (n WITH outDegree() > 10)

Other Syntactic Rules

Syntax for Variables

The syntactic structure of a variable name is an alphabetic character followed by zero or more alphanumeric or underscore (i.e. _) characters:

Variable := [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*

Syntax for Properties

Property names may be quoted or unquoted. Quoted and unquotes property names may be used interchangeably. If unquoted, the syntactic structure of a property name is the same as for a variable name. That is, an alphabetic character followed by zero or more alphanumeric or underscore (i.e. _) characters. If quoted, the syntactic structure is that of a String (for the syntactic structure, see String literal).

PropertyName := String |


The literal types are String, Integer, Decimal, and Boolean. The following shows the syntactic structure of the different types of literals.

String  := "'" (~[\'\n\\] | EscapedCharacter)* "'" |
           '"' (~[\"\n\\] | EscapedCharacter)* '"'
Integer := '-'? [0-9]+
Decimal := '-'? [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+
Boolean := 'true' |

Just like null, true and false are case-insensitive.

Single-quoted and Double-quoted Strings

A String literal may either be single or double quoted. Single and double quoted Strings can be used interchangeably. For example, the following expression evaluates to true.

"Person" = 'Person' // this expression evaluates to TRUE

Escaped Characters in Strings

Escaping in String literals is necessary to support having white space, quotation marks and the backslash character as a part of the literal value. The following explains the syntax of an escaped character.

EscapedCharacter := '\' [tnr\"']

Note that an escaped character is either a tab (\t), a line feed (\n), a carriage return (\r), a single (\') or double quote (\"), or a backslash (\\). Corresponding Unicode code points are shown in the table below.

Escape Unicode code point
\t U+0009 (tab)
\n U+000A (line feed)
\r U+000D (carriage return)
\" U+0022 (quotation mark, double quote mark)
\' U+0027 (apostrophe-quote, single quote mark)
\\ U+005C (backslash)

Optional Escaping of Quotes in Strings

In single quoted String literals, it is optional to escape double quotes, while in double quoted String literals, it is optional to escape single quotes. The following table provides examples of String literals with escaped quotes, and corresponding String literals in which quotes are not escaped.

With escape Without escape
'single quoted string literal with \"double\" quotes inside' 'single quoted string literal with "double" quotes inside'
"double quoted string literal with \'single\' quotes inside" "double quoted string literal with 'single' quotes inside"

Note that the value of the literal is the same no matter if quotes are escaped or not. This means that, for example, the following expression evaluates to true.

'\"double" quotes and \'single\' quotes' = "\"double\" quotes and \'single' quotes" // this expression evaluates to TRUE


The following is the list of keywords in PGQL.


There are certain restrictions when using keywords as variable or property name:

  • Keywords cannot be used as a variable name.
  • Keywords can only be used as a property name, if quotations are used when accessing the property: SELECT * WHERE (n) -> (m), n.'GROUP' = 'managers'

Finally, keywords are not case-sensitive. For example, SELECT, Select and sELeCt, are all valid.


There are two kinds of comments: single-line comments and multi-line comments. Single-line comments start with double forward slashes (//), while multi-line comments are delimited by /* and */. The following shows the syntactic structure of the two forms.

Comment           := SingleLineComment |
SingleLineComment := '//' ~[\n]*
MultiLineComment  := '/*' ~[\*]* '*/'

An example query with both single-line and multi-line comments is as follows:

/* This is a
   comment */
SELECT, n.age
  (n WITH type = 'Person') // this is a single-line comment

White Space

White space consists of spaces, new lines and tabs. White space is significant in String literals, as the white space is part of the literal value and taken into account when comparing against data values. Outside of String literals, white space is ignored. However, for readability consideration and ease of parser implementation, the following rules should be followed when writing a query:

  • A keyword should not be followed directly by a variable or property name.
  • A variable or property name should not be followed directly by a keyword.

If these rules are not followed, a PGQL parser may or may not treat it as an error.

Consider the following query:

  (n WITH type = 'Person', name = 'Ron Weasley') -> (m)

This query can be reformatted with minimal white space, while guaranteeing compatibility with different parser implementations, as follows:

SELECT, WHERE(n WITH type='Person',name='Ron Weasley')->(m)

Note that the white space after the SELECT keyword, in front of the WHERE keyword, before and after the WITH keyword and in the String literal 'Ron Weasley' cannot be omitted.